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Private investors commission two aircraft
Private investors have commissioned Duesseldorf-based Triple Alpha Luftfahrt to provide finished aircraft. Hans Pfeiffer, md, says the two separate projects involved a Challenger 300 and an A313 corporate jet. "The two projects are contracts for special client-specified aircraft versions and we are responsible for supervising the entire process, from conception to delivery."

Private investors have commissioned Duesseldorf-based Triple Alpha Luftfahrt to provide finished aircraft. Hans Pfeiffer, md, says the two separate projects involved a Challenger 300 and an A319 corporate jet. "The two projects are contracts for special client-specified aircraft versions and we are responsible for supervising the entire process, from conception

to delivery."

Pfeiffer adds. "The Challenger 300 will join the Triple Alpha fleet this spring as part of an investment model. It will be employed as a business charter machine for intercontinental flights." Pfeiffer says the European business charter sector grew 8.9 per cent last year. "Investors are not only attracted to the reliable capital expansion, but also to the tax

benefits of such an intrinsically valuable operation."

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